Forum Acqua Toscana

Forum Acqua Toscana


10 May 2024    
9:00 - 17:00


Sala Convegni/Borsa Merci Piazza Risorgimento n. 23, Arezzo

Event Type

The climate crisis continues to intensify year after year, with increasingly devastating consequences also in our region, which in 2023 was classified in 3 national positions for number of extreme events (44)
Among the most significant, the floods of the Piana Metropolitana of 2 and 3 November, which particularly affected the provinces of Florence, Prato and Pistoia, causing flooding of watercourses and widespread flooding, damage calculated for 2.7 billion euros and 8 victims.
Soil consumption, which is still on the increase despite the European targets for zero land use by 2050, also contributes to these effects.
In a country like Italy, where 93.9% of municipalities have a high risk area due to landslides and floods, it is therefore essential, at the same time, to work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and manage the land according to a new paradigm, attentive also to the alteration of the water cycles that is happening at local level and that has an effect on the climate. Legambiente based on the above mentioned framework has decided to dedicate the third Water Forum in Tuscany to these issues to highlight, together with its interlocutors, the critical issues and to make proposals in the light of the recent approval of the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan.