Nature in the City — Advancing Social Impact through NbS

Nature in the City — Advancing Social Impact through NbS


26 September 2023 - 27 September 2023    
8:30 - 18:00


Am Inselpark 19 21109, Hamburg

Conference Topic Streams Sessions will feature examples from the following areas: Proof of Social Impact To make the case for nature-based solutions, we need to be able to define, provide evidence and demonstrate the impact of the work we do. Better understanding our impact also comes with significant opportunities to learn what works and improve our practice. But how do we do this, and what are the challenges and opportunities of different approaches? This conference stream will explore what it means to prove social impact, delving into case studies and best practice, and providing opportunities for attendees to share their perspectives.

Our sessions will aim to tackle the big questions: What do we understand to be the value of NbS; what expectations should we set for what is possible to accomplish; what are the right tools and methods to use; and how can we meaningfully involve citizens? Finance and Business Access to finance is one of the most important enabling factors for implementing and scaling up NbS projects.

We will explore different funding mechanisms and business models for NbS through case studies from existing NbS and local social impact projects. The sessions of this conference topic stream will showcase traditional and innovative impact financing instruments that demonstrate the evolving landscape of finance, where financial mechanisms are designed to generate positive social and environmental outcomes alongside financial returns. Moreover, it will look at how to develop business cases for NbS projects and partnering with the private sector. Mainstreaming NbS Mainstreaming NbS refers to cross-departmental collaboration to integrate nature and biodiversity as a key priority across municipal departments, policy areas and planning activities, as well as joining forces with other sectors and key stakeholders such as business, civil society and academia to harness the multiple benefits of nature and biodiversity in cities.

Sessions in this conference stream will showcase cities that have successfully mainstreamed NbS for example by integrating it into key policies and governance structures. Co-Creation Co-creation is a key component of all NbS. Co-creation contributes to social acceptance and awareness and also enhances citizen engagement in decision making processes, thus making an NbS implementation successful in the long term. It is evident that for an NbS project to be successful – no matter the size or scope, co-creation with relevant stakeholders including vulnerable and diverse communities aiming towards inclusive multi-stakeholder governance approach is key. Sessions in this stream will highlight co-creation processes from around the world.