NbS Italy Hub at the Accademia dei Lincei

On 5 June 2024, the Environment Day 2024 was held at the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, one of the oldest and most prestigious scientific institutes in Europe.

Guest of the prestigious event, the Director of CNR-IRET, Carlo Calfapietra, who with his contribution “Nature-Based Solutions: a great opportunity for restoration and sustainable development” brought with him valuable reflections and arguments regarding Nature-based Solutions and the experience ofNbS Italy Hub.

The conference, which took place at Palazzo Corsini, in Rome, developed around the awareness of the need to identify strategies aimed at preserving the environment and promoting conservation actions restoration capable of remedying damage caused by man.

During the meeting, the fundamental role played by ecology as an interdisciplinary science that is configured as a tool for environmental protection was highlighted, becoming a fruitful field for the meeting between various disciplines, thanks to the analysis of interactions between living organisms and the environment.

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