Make your digital sprint in heating and cooling

Make your digital sprint in heating and cooling


13 November 2024    
9:00 - 18:00


Brussels, Bruxelles

Decarbonising the heating and cooling (H&C) sector is key to achieving the EU 2050 goals. This sector accounts for about half of Europe’s total energy needs with 75% of it still dependent on fossil fuels. Rapid action needs to be taken on a local level, but cities often lack resources or capacity to advance in their strategic H&C plans. This is where digital tools come into play, bringing the opportunity of a more cost-effective and efficient H&C planning. Tools like Hotmaps or THERMOS can facilitate and accelerate the planning and development of district energy projects.

After over three years of implementation, the Act!onHeat project, of which ICLEI is a partner, is coming to a close in November 2024. The project, with the aim to accelerate the use of strategic heating and cooling planning in European cities, has supported several municipalities in their journey to H&C decarbonisation while making use of the digital tools Hotmaps and THERMOS. The main learnings and best-case studies will be showcased in a public event, which will take place in Brussels (venue to be confirmed) on Wednesday, 13 November 2024.

The event will bring together main stakeholders of the H&C sector, including energy agencies, cities, industry and representatives from the European Commission. Speakers will discuss key topics like the digitalisation of the sector, financing, development of H&C plans and effective communication. We will also hear from best-practice case studies in European cities that have been supported by the Act!onHeat project in their H&C efforts.

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