Nature-based Solutions for meteorological-hydrological risk mitigation: Applications and prospects.

Nature-based Solutions for meteorological-hydrological risk mitigation: Applications and prospects.


19 June 2024    
9:00 - 13:00


The RECONECT project (09/2018 – 08/2024) contributes to improving the European reference framework of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) for the reduction of meteorological-hydrological risk in natural and rural areas.

The project is based on a network of pilot sites, EU and non-EU, which compete with the aim of innovating land management, pursuing objectives of both meteorological-hydrological risk reduction and local and regional development and protection of biodiversity.

RECONECT wants to demonstrate the effectiveness of a sustainable approach to weather-hydrological risk mitigation through NbS interventions for flood prevention and slope stabilization, integrated with environmental monitoring activities and stakeholder involvement. The Portofino Regional Park represents the pilot project site for Italy.

The Second Italian RECONECT Workshop aims to be an opportunity for project partners and stakeholders to meet to share current experiences and future visions on the application of NbS at a national level.

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9:00 Welcome to the participants

Session 1: a look at the RECONECT project

09:10 The RECONECT project: results and impacts (Alessandra Marchese, GISIG)
9:30 The RECONECT pilot site in the Portofino Park (Guido Paliaga, GISIG)

Session 2: the experiences of regional and national stakeholders on NbS

09:50 NbS and Flood Risk Management Plan (Roberto Boni, Liguria Region)
10:10 NbS as win-win measures between the objectives of the Water Framework Directive and the Floods Directive (Andrea Picollo,
Liguria Region)
10:30 The morphological quality of water bodies in Liguria current state and future prospects (Luigi Martella, ARPAL)
Coffee Break
11:10 River rehabilitation and flood risk mitigation (Andrea Mandarino, UniGe and CIRF)
11:30 Intense events, morphological processes in natural and cultural heritage areas and use of NbS (Daniele
Spizzichino, ISPRA)
11:50 Citizen science and NbS, a joint response to the challenges of a changing climate (Antonio Parodi, CIMA Foundation)
12:10 NbS in curricular training. Transdisciplinary or non-transdisciplinary? (Enrica Roccotiello, Distav – UNIGE)

Session 3: debate

12:30 NbS and hydrogeological risk mitigation: what application prospects?
13:00 Finish Work