NbS Italy Hub Annual Meeting

NbS Italy Hub Annual Meeting


19 November 2024 - 21 November 2024    
Tutto il giorno


Prenota ora


Palermo, Palermo

Draft program currently being finalized

November 19, 2024

Participation reserved for partner representatives

Modern Art Gallery (GAM)
Via Sant'Anna 17 – 90133 Palermo (PA)

4:00 PM – 7:00 PM Founding partners meeting

Self-paid dinner open to all partner representatives

November 20, 2024

In-person participation (up to 100 seats) or streaming via MS Teams

Conference Room Aula Lanza, Botanical Garden Palermo
Via Lincoln, 2 – 90133 PALERMO

9:00-9:30 Registration

Session I: Rebirth and Renewal with Nature
9:30-10:00 Opening remarks
  • Roberto Lagalla (Mayor of the Municipality and Metropolitan City of Palermo)
  • Pietro Alongi (Environmental Policy Councillor)
  • Giuseppina Liuzzo (Director of the Environmental Policy Department)
10:00 – 10:15 Introductory speech
  • Carlo Calfapietra (CNR-IRET)
  • Chiara Baldacchini (UNITUS)
10:15 – 11:00 Thematic interventions 1/2 (English):
  • Paola Lepori (Policy Officer – Biodiversity & Nature-based Solutions, European Commission) – The future of NbS in Europe
  • Susanna Gionfra (Senior Officer, Nature-Based Solutions at IUCN) – Building the NbS community: the role of platforms and standards
  • Francesca Bretzel (CNR-IRET) – Terminology and NbS: towards the definition of the European standard
  • SPEAKERS TBD (UNIBO/CNR) – The Mediterranean NbS platform of the National Biodiversity Future Center
11:00 -11:30 Round Table I (Italian) – Education and training on NbS topics (research partners, city partners, Ministry of Universities and Research)
11:30 – 12:00 Coffee break – Poster session of Horizon NbS projects
12:00-13:00 Thematic interventions 2/2 (English)
  • TBD – Business and Biodiversity in Europe
  • Giuseppe Dodaro (Nature Positive Network) – Business and Biodiversity in Italy (Title tbc)
  • Giuseppe Scarascia Mugnozza (The Biocities Facility of the European Forest Institute) – Title tbd
  • Laura Airoldi (UNIPD – Department of Biology) – NbS in marine environments: the experience of the Venice lagoon
13:00–13:30 Round Table II (Italian) – NbS policies in Italy (Ministry of the Environment, city partners or metropolitan city, private sector representative)
13:30-14:30 Lunch – Poster session of Horizon NbS projects
Session II: Natura naturans and the “urban nature” of Palermo. Possible itineraries and reconnections

The structure and form of Palermo reclaim the “basic nature”

14:30-15:30 Introductory speeches
  • Francesco Picciotto (Service 3 Natural and Protected Areas, Environmental Department of the Sicilian Region) – Palermo and the Conca d'Oro: a bioregional perspective
  • Salvatore Pasta (CNR-IBBR Palermo) – Santa Rosalia suspended and contested between science and religion
  • Valerio Noto (UNIPA) – Green and blue infrastructure
  • Gianluigi Pirrera (AIPIN) – title tbd
15:30 – 16:30 NbS project interventions
  • Giuseppe Barbera (UNIPA?) – Presentation of the Parco della Favorita project
  • Liuzzo team (Palermo Municipality) – Projection of flyovers and presentation of NbS projects and experimental sites along the municipal coastal area
  • Liuzzo team (Palermo Municipality) – Presentation of NbS projects and experiments related to Villa Turrisi Park (EUpolis) and urban reforestation projects
16:30 – 17:00 Conclusions and farewells
17:30 – 19:00 Final partner hub meeting

Report and perspectives derived from the day's work

Streaming participation will be via MS Teams.

November 21, 2024

Restricted in-depth day

9:00 AM Meeting point for transfer to Villa Niscemi. All transfers will be made using AMAT vehicles

9:30 AM Arrival at Villa Niscemi and start of site visits
9:30 – 10:15 AM Barbera – Site visit to Parco della Favorita
10:15 – 10:30 AM Walking transfer
10:30 – 11:00 AM La Barbera – Site visit to Teatro della Verdura
11:00 – 11:15 AM Coffee break (Teatro della Verdura)
11:15 AM – 12:00 PM Transfer to Villa Turrisi (EUpolis project)
12:00 – 1:00 PM Site visit to Villa Turrisi Park
1:00 – 1:20 PM Transfer back to the city center to the meeting point


Indica le giornate a cui vuoi partecipare

Ticket Type Spaces
Regular Ticket
Partecipazione 2ª giornata
20 novembre 2024
Partecipazione 3ª giornata
21 novembre 2024

Informazioni partecipante

Partner fondatore


Seleziona almeno uno spazio per procedere con la prenotazione.