Presentation of the Guidelines “Green roofs and walls for buildings”

Presentation of the Guidelines "Green roofs and walls for buildings"


4 July 2024    
10:00 - 12:30


Event Type

The implementation of plant systems such as Green Roofs and Vertical Greenery Systems represents an innovative solution to improve the urban environment, reduce CO emissions2 and positively influence the microclimate. These systems improve the thermal comfort of buildings, filter dust and mitigate the effects of heat islands thanks to plant evapotranspiration and shading.

To support the Public Administration in the implementation of these infrastructures, ENEA has developed specific Guidelines dedicated to Green Roofs and Walls. This tool provides a complete cognitive framework and offers a legislative overview at European and national level, as well as a summary of national calls for financing green infrastructure.

During the event, the scientific evidence on the energy, environmental, social and economic advantages of installing Green Roofs and Walls will be illustrated, as well as the main types of such systems, with details on the technical aspects of planning, design and maintenance necessary to guarantee its effectiveness.

Furthermore, some good practices adopted by local administrations for the diffusion of green infrastructures will be reported, as well as the results of a survey conducted by ENEA on the state of the art of the installation of Roofs and Walls Green at a national level, providing useful knowledge to the Public Administration to size up the phenomenon and further develop these technologies.

The Guidelines on Green Roofs and Walls, drawn up for the benefit of the PA and local authorities, are part of Italy in Class A, the training and information campaign on efficiency energy promoted by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security and created by ENEA.

Participation is free and free, subject to ONLINE REGISTRATION.


Event Features

Event start 04-07-2024 10:00
Event term 04-07-2024 12:20
Organizational references Scientific contact:
Patrizia De RossiOrganisational contact:
Antonio Disi
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