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    Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change

    Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change

    11 September 2023

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    Biodiversa+ is pleased to announce that its BiodivNBS Call for Transnational Research Proposals on “Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change” (referred to as BiodivNbS) is now open.

    INFO DAY HORIZON EUROPE – EUROPEAN PARTNERSHIPS  Calls 2023 in co-funded partnerships Cluster 5 and Cluster 6

    INFO DAY HORIZON EUROPE – EUROPEAN PARTNERSHIPS Calls 2023 in co-funded partnerships Cluster 5 and Cluster 6

    14 September 2023 - 15 September 2023


    On 14 and 15 September "INFO DAY Horizon Europe - European Partnerships: Calls 2023 in the co-funded partnerships Cluster 5 and Cluster 6 . The event is organized by APRE in agreement with MUR and MIMIT to introduce and Comment on the 2023 Calls for Partnerships co-financed in Cluster 5: Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) & Driving Urban Transitions to a sustainable future (DUT) and cluster 6: Biodiversa+ & Water4All - Water security for the planet.

    High-Rise Buildings as Ecosystems

    High-Rise Buildings as Ecosystems

    4 June 2024


    Across Asia, urban populations are concentrating in dense megacities where high-rise buildings dominate urban form and most urban residents have little exposure to nature throughout their lives. This has negative implications for the health and well-being of both human and non-human life. From a design perspective, new forms of living together are needed that require re-conceptualization of urban ecosystems and the role buildings can play in them. Led by Prof. Christiane M. Herr, the Future Ecologies Group at SUSTech engages in cross-disciplinary research that integrates empirical science, technology and design to support the development of future high-density cities in subtropical climates. The talk discusses the question of how high-rise buildings can host both humans and functioning ecosystems.

    Webinar "Exploring economic instruments in spatial planning for enhancing biodiversity value"

    Webinar "Exploring economic instruments in spatial planning for enhancing biodiversity value"

    5 September 2024

    14:00 - 15:30

    Participate on September 5th in the BioValue project webinar on the use of economic tools to enhance biodiversity in territorial planning. Register by September 2nd to choose one of the three work sessions.

    NICE Cities Panel

    NICE Cities Panel

    18 September 2024

    14:00 - 16:00

    On September 18, 2024, the 6th NICE Cities Panel will present NICER software for evaluating Nature-Based Solutions in urban water management. Discover its benefits and join the user-testing program.