Urban forests in Italy: potential and critical aspects of experiences over the last forty years

Urban forests in Italy: potential and critical aspects of experiences over the last forty years


18 June 2024    
9:30 - 13:00


Aula magna di agraria, Università di Bari Aldo Moro via Amendola 165/a, Bari

Event Type

Event co-organized by NbS Italy Hub.

In recent years, interest in the urban forest has also grown significantly among Italian politicians who have issued and provided ad hoc funding for these interventions as part of actions to combat climate change. There are also numerous public and private initiative projects. Forty years after the first significant urban forestry interventions in Italy, potential and critical issues have emerged, in particular with regard to planting techniques and subsequent cultural care: it is important to take advantage of these experiences in order to intervene with a rational approach in the next environmental challenges , recognizing the potential of the urban forest, but at the same time the importance of supporting it in the different phases with scientific evidence.

No less important are the issues related to planning and governance models.

For these reasons, the Urban Green Working Group of the Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (SISEF) organized a meeting bringing together experts, researchers and actors from the Italian urban forest in order to take stock and provide civil society with ideas of reflection. The meeting is organized in collaboration with the National Center for Agricultural Technologies AGRITECH Spoke 7 (Integrated models for the development of marginal areas to promote multifunctional production systems that improve agro-ecological and socioeconomic sustainability) and with NBS Italy hub of which the University of Bari is a co-founding member.



9.30am Opening of proceedings

Introduction. Giovanni Sanesi, Coordinator of the Urban Green GDL/University of Bari Aldo Moro

9.45 Urban forests at the crossroads: trivialization or unavoidable prospect? Fabio Salbitano, University of Sassari/Alberitalia Foundation

10.05 Urban forestry interventions: fashion or valid alternative? An initial assessment of the experience City of Turin, Gian Michele Cirulli, Municipality of Turin

10.25 Mixed and uneven-aged plantations in peri-urban areas. Paolo Mori, Forestry Company

10.45 From Boscoincittà to Forestami: critical issues, opportunities, prospects. Enrico Calvo, Forestami Project Manager

11.05 Forestami: a concrete experience of a new Natural Capital in the metropolitan city of Milan. Riccardo Gini, Director of the North Milan Park/Forestry Technical Director.

11.25 Planting trees in the city. Critical reflections 5 years after the start of the Forestami project, Maria Chiara Pastore Politecnico di Milano

11.45 Boscoincittà. 50 years of urban forestry. Gianluca Vargiu, Lorenzo Guerci and Paola Pirelli, Boscoincittà/ Urban Forestry Center – CFU Italia Nostra

12.05 The spontaneous urban forest: new opportunities for urban regeneration. Giovanni Trentanovi, CNR/IRET

12.25 Discussion

1.00pm Conclusions


CFU will be recognized for master’s degree students in relation to the teaching regulations of the individual degree course.

The meeting is organized in hybrid form, remote participation is possible with the following link: https://url.uniba.it/L6

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