Scientists in Hawaii are training ‘hungry’ marine fungi to eat ocean plastics

Plastic is the leading cause of ocean pollution, and the long time it takes to degrade poses a significant problem. However, some researchers in Hawaii may have found an innovative, nature-based solution to remove plastic from our waters.

In the area around the island of O’ahu, a species of marine fungus capable of degrading polyurethane, a common type of plastic, has been discovered. These organisms are known for their ability to digest difficult materials, such as wood and chitin, and have therefore been tested to see if this superpower could also work on plastic.

The results were surprising: over 60% of the fungi tested were able to transform plastic into fungal matter, with a 15% increase in degradation speed in just three months.

Although the University of Hawaii is still investigating the cellular and molecular mechanisms behind this process, the hope is that this could be the solution for future ocean and sea clean-up efforts.

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