Privacy & cookie policy

Pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”)

This Privacy Policy is applied to the processing of personal data collected on the website, carried out by NBS ITALY HUB (hereinafter NBS ITALY HUB or the Data Controller).

Purposes and methods of processing and categories of personal data

NBS ITALY HUB, as Data Controller, collects and processes your personal data according to the principles of EU Regulation 679/2016 and Legislative Decree 196/03 and subsequent additions and amendments (“Privacy Code”).
Your data will be processed lawfully and fairly, and stored in a form that allows the identification of the interested party for a period of time not exceeding to that necessary for the purposes for which they were collected and subsequently processed.

Object and methods of processing:

1.1 NBS ITALY HUB will process the personal data communicated by you or legitimately obtained (“Personal Data”). In particular, the following Personal Data are processed:
1.1.1 Reserved area data: at the time of creating an account you will be asked to provide some Personal Data, (eg name, surname, email address, mobile number and user code), necessary to successfully complete the registration and to use the related services.
The data entered during the creation of the account and the data entered in the comment forms are stored within the WordPress CMS, and can be modified or deleted independently through the same system.
1.1.2. Payment Data: in case of purchase of products or services are also processed, in accordance with current legislation, payment data, including identification details.
1.13. Contact details: if you intend to ask NBS ITALY HUB questions by writing to email addresses listed on the Site, your i e-mail address and the content of the sent message. The processing of this Personal Data is necessary to provide feedback to the communication received. The provision of further data must be considered absolutely optional.
1.1.4. Navigation data: the IT and telematic systems and the software procedures used to operate the Site acquire, during their normal operation, some data (e.g. the date and time of access, the pages visited, the name of the Internet Service Provider and the Internet Protocol (IP) address through which it accesses the Internet, the Internet address from which you connected to the Site, etc.), the transmission of which is implicit in the use of web communication protocols or is useful for better management and optimization of the data and e-mail sending system.

Purpose of the processing:

  • Operational management of the online services and tools offered by the site (eg registration, account creation, comments, shipments, etc.) and management of the related administrative-accounting purposes: with regard to these purposes, the legal basis for the processing of your data is personal is represented by the execution of the service expressly requested by you.
  • Sending information and communications, including promotional ones, by e-mail to the address provided by you, regarding new services offered by NBS ITALY HUB and by the site similar to those already provided to you. In this case, the legal basis of the processing of your personal data for these purposes is represented by the legitimate interest of NBS ITALY HUB to send you information communications and updates relating to services similar to those you use and of potential interest to you, pursuant to considering n. 47 of the Regulation: therefore, your consent is not necessary, but you may object to the processing at any time.
  • With your consent, carrying out marketing activities, such as sending information and promotional material and commercial communications on NBS ITALY HUB services and / or products. The purposes indicated will be carried out using both automated and non-automated methods (eg email, sms, ordinary mail, etc.). In this case, the legal basis for the processing of your personal data is represented by your express, free and optional consent – which will be requested at the bottom of the relevant data collection form – which you can revoke at any time.
  • For the pursuit of the legitimate interests of NBS ITALY HUB and / or third parties such as, for example, the right to defense in court, correct billing, management of complaints and litigation, any recovery of judicial and extrajudicial credits, prevention fraud and / or illegal activities, which according to the Company’s assessments do not prevail over your fundamental rights and freedoms and which represent the legal basis of the processing.
  • For purposes related to the execution of legal obligations, regulations, national and EU regulations as well as deriving from provisions issued by authorities legitimated by the law, which represent the legal basis of the processing.

The provision of your personal data for the purpose of providing services and using the online tools offered by the site is always optional. However, if you decide not to provide them, the services, in whole or in part, may not be rendered.

Data collection

For the collection of personal data on this website, registration / contact forms or checkboxes are used next to payment / registration buttons for services.
Some data will be necessary for the execution of the service (for example the contact details for the shipment of purchases or the email for subscribing to the newsletter), others will be completely optional and will not affect the provision of the service (for example, subscribing to the newsletter at checkout).

NBS ITALY HUB, moreover, through the site can also collect data that are not provided by you spontaneously but whose acquisition is automatic and implicit in your use of the site, and in particular:

Navigation data

When you visit the site, the latter collects certain data such as the pages viewed, the links or buttons clicked, the date and time of access, the IP address, the navigation browser and the operating system used ( cd “navigation data”). The navigation data could, by their very nature, allow the identification of users also through processing and association with data held by third parties. However, NBS ITALY HUB uses this data for the sole purpose of obtaining statistical and anonymous information on the use of the site.

Collection of personal data through cookies

Cookies are used on the NBS ITALY HUB website. Cookies are text files recorded on computer support that allow you to record some parameters and data communicated to the NBS ITALY HUB computer system through the browser used and, in some cases, allow an analysis of your habits in the use of a particular site. Internet. This saving allows NBS ITALY HUB to adapt its website to customer needs and also facilitates its use. Many of the cookies used are automatically deleted from the hard drive of the customer’s computer at the end of each browsing session (hence the name “session cookie”). On the other hand, there are cookies that remain on the hard drive (so-called “Persistent Cookies”). In principle, the site uses cookies for both technical and other purposes: while technical cookies are used as strictly necessary for the technical operation of the site as well as to provide the service expressly requested (eg authentication, language setting, etc. .), cookies for further purposes (eg profiling cookies, analytical cookies) are used to carry out behavioral analysis of users on the site, in order to improve its contents and send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the individual user in the scope of surfing the net, as indicated below.

Technical Cookies

Technical cookies are essential to allow users to move around the site and to use its features, such as accessing restricted areas of the site (eg registration, authentication). On the NBS ITALY HUB website, technical cookies are associated with the user’s machine in order to facilitate, customize and speed up navigation on the site (for example, keeping the user’s profile updated and speeding up the access operations to the registered areas) . These cookies are strictly necessary and are used to store a unique identifier in order to manage and identify the user as unique compared to other users who are visiting the site at that time, allowing the site to remember the user’s choices (eg . username, language, country of origin, etc …), to distribute requests on multiple servers, to memorize when the user gives his consent to certain options, etc. If you decide to disable these cookies, you will lose most of the site’s functionality and some services may not work as they should.

Third party analytical cookies

The website uses the “Google Analytics” service, a service of the company Google Inc. (“Google”). Google uses cookies. The information obtained through cookies on the user’s habits in using the websites (including the IP address) are transferred to a Google server, where they are stored. For the same purpose, the site also uses the third-party analytical cookies listed at the bottom of the page.
For information on how to manage Google’s analytics cookies, as well as to reject them, we recommend that you consult the Google Privacy Policy at the following link and download the browser add-on for deactivating Google Analytics:

Social Plugin: the website contains plug-ins of social networks (for example Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.). By accessing a page of the Site equipped with a similar plug-in, the Internet browser connects directly to the servers of the social network and the plug-in is displayed on the screen thanks to the connection with the browser.

Even if the user does not is registered to social networks, websites with active social plugins can send data to the networks. Through an active plugin, a cookie with an encoding will be set each time you access the Site. Since the user’s browser sends this cookie without request at each connection with a server of a network, the network could create a profile that recalls the websites that the user has visited. In this case, it is possible to trace the code back to a person, for example when the user connects to the social network. -off. Below are the methods offered by the main social networks to allow the user to disable social plugins:

  • Facebook: login to your account, privacy section.
  • Instagram: login to your account, settings>Normativa sui dati.
  • LinkedIn:
  • Twitter:
  • Pinterest:
  • TikTok:

For more information on the processing and use of data through social networks, as well as on the settings for the protection of privacy, it is advisable to check the privacy policies of the respective social networks or websites. Below are the links in question:

  • Facebook:
  • Instagram:
  • LinkedIn:
  • Twitter:
  • Pinterest:
  • TikTok:

Disabling cookies

The user can refuse the installation of cookies by selecting the corresponding parameters in the specific browser options. It should be noted, however, that by disabling all cookies, including technical ones, the user will not be able to take full advantage of some functions of the site. The user can select the specific browser parameters that allow you to exclude the activation of cookies, in the following ways:

Mozilla Firefox:
1. Select “Tools” menu, then “Options”
2. Click on “Privacy”

Microsoft Edge:
1. Select “Tools”, then “Internet Options”
2. Click on “Privacy” (or “Confidentiality”)
3. Choose the desired privacy level using the slider.

1. Select “Tools”, then “Settings”
2. Click on “Show advanced settings”
3. In the “Privacy” section, click on “Content settings”

1. Select “File”, then “Preferences”
2. Click on “Privacy”

The website contains instructions for managing cookies on the most popular browsers; alternatively, you can consult the documentation attached to the software used on your device.

Data communication

The data you provide as well as those collected by the site as part of the related services (e.g. IP address) will not be disclosed and may be disclosed, even abroad in non-EU states, exclusively for the purposes and methods illustrated above, to the categories of subjects indicated below:

  • collaborators, consultants or freelancers that the Company uses for the performance of tasks of a technical or organizational nature (such as IT and web service providers), or with whom the Company collaborates, for the purpose of providing and operating its services, for sending information and promotional material relating to services offered by NBS ITALY HUB;
  • people, companies or professional firms that provide assistance and advice to the Company, with particular but not exclusive reference to accounting, administrative, legal, tax and financial matters;
  • subjects whose right to access data is recognized by law or by orders of the authorities. In relation to the supply services on the territory of the services connected to the activity of NBS ITALY HUB, your personal data may be communicated to the companies territorially competent for the management of these services and, possibly, in the case of international shipments to non-EU countries, also transferred to said non-EU states For such communication and transfers, however, pursuant to art. 49 of the Regulations, your consent is not required as it is necessary for “for the conclusion or execution of a contract between the data controller and another natural or legal person in favor of the interested party”. If the extra-EU transfer of your personal data does not fall within the hypotheses indicated, the Company will adopt the necessary privacy measures suitable to guarantee the legitimacy of such transfers, for example by signing specific standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission..

The subjects belonging to the categories indicated above will use the data as independent data controllers in accordance with the law or as data processors duly appointed by the Company. For information on the individual recipients of the communication, you can write to the e-mail address

Data retention

The data are processed for the time necessary to provide the services requested by you and to carry out the activities connected and instrumental to them, and are deleted when the purposes for which they were collected and processed no longer exist, including any statute of limitations provided for by the Civil Code. Instead, the data collected for marketing purposes will be kept until any unsubscription / opposition, after which they can be stored anonymously for analysis and statistical purposes.
Marketing communications will mainly take place through the newsletter service provided by MailChimp; you can delete or modify your data and unsubscribe from the newsletter by following the links at the end of each email.
To learn more visit

Your rights

You as an interested party can exercise at any time, by contacting NBS ITALY HUB, the rights listed in articles 15 to 21 of the Regulation, and in particular:

  • obtain confirmation that the processing of personal data is in progress and, in this case, ask the Data Controller for access to information relating to the processing itself (e.g. purposes, categories of data processed, recipients or categories of recipients of the data , the retention period, etc.);
  • request the correction of inaccurate or incomplete data;
  • ask the Data Controller to delete the data (e.g. if the personal data are no longer necessary with respect to the purposes for which they were collected, in case of revocation of the consent on which the processing is based, etc.)
  • request the limitation of the processing (eg in the event of a dispute on the accuracy of the data; if the processing is unlawful and you oppose the cancellation of personal data; if the data are necessary for the exercise or defense in court of your right, even if the Data Controller no longer needs it; in case of exercising the right of opposition, for the time necessary to verify the existence of legitimate reasons).
  • receive your personal data in a commonly used and machine-readable format (e.g. pdf) and transmit them to another owner, or to obtain direct transmission from one owner to another, if technically feasible (so-called portability of data).

You also have the right to object in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning you, as well as the right to object, even partially with respect to the various means of communication, to the processing of personal data. for the purposes of commercial information, marketing advertising.
The rights indicated above may be exercised by you by contacting the email address

NBS ITALY HUB has appointed a Personal Data Protection Officer (DPO) who can be contacted at the following e-mail address:

Privacy Policy updated in April 2024