According to the EU report, Nature-Based Solutions are essential for sustainable water management in a changing climate

The European Union is promoting an innovative approach to water resource management to protect European water systems, which are at risk due to climate change. To this end, it has published an updated guidance document, River Basin Management in a Changing Climate, which emphasizes the urgency of adopting Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) to strengthen the resilience of our aquatic ecosystems.

Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) not only help mitigate the effects of extreme events such as floods and droughts, thanks to their ability to store water and regulate water flows, but they also prove to be economically advantageous.

The document highlights the numerous benefits of NbS: natural ecosystems act as filters, purifying water and removing pollutants. The restoration of natural habitats promotes the recolonization of animal and plant species, contributing to the restoration of lost biodiversity. Additionally, plants and soil absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping to counteract the effects of climate change.

However, the spread of NbS is hindered by several barriers, including a lack of knowledge, funding, and adequate spaces for their implementation. The recent EU document urges member states to overcome these obstacles and to integrate NbS into water resource management policies, aiming to create more sustainable and resilient water systems capable of addressing future challenges related to climate change.

As part of broader European policies, such as the Green Deal and the European Climate Law, this guide calls for a consistent commitment from member states to promote nature-based adaptation measures. For stakeholders, policymakers, and water resource managers, this document serves as a fundamental roadmap to protect European water resources through innovative and sustainable solutions that enhance environmental protection and social resilience.

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