TGReen Puglia service: a forest in the city.

The University of Bari, with the collaboration of the Municipality of Bari and the Alberitalia foundation, was responsible for the creation of an urban forestry system in the Poggiofranco district, in an abandoned area of ​​more than one hectare. Approximately 1400 trees have been planted, plus various shrubs to give the appearance of a natural forest.

 the use of plant species such as holm oak and mastic tree was envisaged, chosen for their characteristics that maximize the absorption of CO2 and fine particles, significantly contributing to the environmental quality and well-being of the community.

Urban forestry represents a nature-based solution capable of improving the quality of life thanks to ecological, social and economic benefits, including the mitigation of climate change and the reduction of air pollution.

This project is part of the EUFORICC initiative, which develops methodologies for the creation ofurban forests, bringing together researchers with complementary experiences to evaluate the ecosystem services (UES) and disservices (UEDS) of urban forests. The Project of Significant National Interest (PRIN), coordinated by the CNR IRET under the direction of Carlo Calfapietra, is at the center of this initiative.

In the Poggiofranco project, the use of plant species such as holm oak and mastic is envisaged, chosen for their characteristics that maximize the absorption of CO2 and fine particles, significantly contributing to environmental quality and the well-being of the community.

For the report, Maria Letizia Gargano and Giovanni Sanesi, professors at the University of Bari – Department of Soil, Plant and Food Sciences (Di.S.S.P.A.)

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